Established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Association on behalf of the Saudi Red Crescent Society by Royal Decree No. 1 in the 16/01/1383 e have cryptographic legal for an unlimited period, and its main city of Riyadh, includes activities throughout the Kingdom and its system based on the Geneva Conventions and the principles endorsed by the Conference Crescent and the international Red Cross, have been transferred to the Assembly named the Saudi Red Crescent Authority Council of Ministers resolution No. 371 and the date of 24.12.1429 e
To champion the cause of saving lives, serve humanity and partake with the society
To save lives, alleviate suffering by providing ambulatory and humanitarian services delivered by our qualified life ambassadors with utmost proficiency and impartiality
To find creative solutions by thinking out of the box to ensure sustainability
To set out of our humanitarian mission, inspire ourselves, community and the whole world
To perform our duties, define our authority with ease and flexibility to move forward under any circumstances
To work on ensuring high quality level to our performed work at various fields done by the Authority
To care for all humans and achieve distinction by the trust instilled into us
To preserve the well-being of our staff, assets, societies and adopt a preemptive approach to ensure utmost safety.
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