The President of the Saudi Red Crescent Authority, Dr. Jalal bin Mohammed Al Owaisi, led the Saudi Red Crescent delegation at the 50th meeting of the Board of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in Geneva, Switzerland.
The Federation comprises 20 members from around the world, supporting the work of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in more than 191 countries, where key global humanitarian issues and the Federation's strategies to address them are discussed.
Dr. Jalal Al-Owaisi emphasized the importance of the Authority's participation in this meeting, highlighting its active international role and commitment to strengthening cooperation with its partners to address increasing humanitarian challenges.
Dr. Jalal also noted that the Saudi Red Crescent Authority, which was established over 90 years ago, continues its efforts in serving the community both locally and internationally, based on the agreements and principles that underpin the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
He also stressed the Saudi Red Crescent Authority's commitment to contributing effectively to achieving the Federation's vision, which considers humanitarian and relief work as a foundation for building an international community based on cooperation and alleviating suffering.
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