The Saudi Red Crescent Authority in the Eastern Region, in collaboration with the American Heart Association, launched the "Resuscitation Quality Improvement" (RQI) program on Monday, 2 September 2024. The program aims to improve the quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and enhance the performance of paramedics in this vital field.
Representatives from the American Heart Association conducted training for the first batch of paramedics in the Eastern Region through an online lecture via the American Heart Association's website. After completing the theoretical part of the lecture, the trainees proceed to hands-on practice using training manikins. The trainees' data are entered, and the quality of their chest compressions and breaths for adults, children, and infants is tested. The quality measurements rely on special training manikins that are directly connected to the American Heart Association's website to assess the trainees' performance. After successfully completing the practical part, the trainees receive the "Basic Life Support" (BLS) certification under the RQI system.
Trainees are required to undergo practical application every three months to ensure the sustainability of high-quality CPR performance.
It is worth noting that the Saudi Red Crescent Authority is one of the first organizations in the Kingdom to launch this program.
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