The world celebrates, today the eighth of May, the World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day, to remind us of the seven principles that were developed to preserve human dignity and alleviate human suffering without discrimination.
Today, we in The Saudi Red Crescent Authority celebrate with the world on this occasion with our own Saudi approach and Islamic principles that inspired the world with the values of mercy, giving and humanity, which were driven by the keenness of the Kingdom and its leaders to harness all capabilities and efforts, to help those in need and to relieve the suffering of the afflicted wherever they are in this world, through the competent authorities and centers in the Kingdom.
The world today, as we all witness, is encountering many humanitarian disasters that require us to unit efforts in order to deliver humanitarian aid to the affected people, in a way that contributes to preserve their human dignity and alleviating their pain. For that, the Saudi Red Crescent Authority continue to exert all efforts and provide support and assistance to global efforts and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement to cross the world to safety.
Today, we work in the Saudi Red Crescent Authority with more than a hundred thousand staff who belong to the humanitarian work in the authority, whether employees or volunteers, united by one goal, to serve humanity.
Ambassadors of life from the Authority's employees and volunteers are the clearest mirror that reflects the vision and approach in the field of humanitarian work to the world.
They worked with dedication and sincerity during the crises and disasters that the world witnessed, as they went through difficulties and endured hardships with a smile on their faces and their passion to help those affected and alleviate their suffering, carrying with them the message of peace from the Kingdom to the whole world, setting the best examples of sacrifice and giving.
My brothers Ambassadors of Life, today, I extend my sincere thanks today and deep gratitude to you for your unlimited giving, through which you reflected the noble message of the Authority.
We still have many challenges ahead and the river of giving shall continue because of your efforts, to heal the wounds and create hope for a better tomorrow, I ask Allah his Almighty to accept your efforts in the balance of your good deeds and to reward you for your sincere efforts and to help you to serve humanity.
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