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President of the Saudi Red Crescent Authority, Dr. Jalal bin Mohammed Al Owaisi conducted a meeting with the supervisory committee to discuss SRCA preparations for Hajj season 2022; and inspect updates and work mechanisms. The meeting falls under his excellency's visit to Makkah to follow up work flow of SRCA branches of different regions.
Spokesman of SRCA, Abdulaziz Al Suwaine stated that the visit included a meeting with senior officials of SRCA Makkah branch to review field works report of the ambulatory centers participating in Umrah program, as well statistics and performance indicators of those centers; and SRCA plan to support the Holy Grand Mosque at the last 10 days of the Holy Month of Ramadan and Al Fitr Eid.
"Dr. Al Owaisi also inspected the new SRCA vehicles participating for the first time during Umrah season: Mass Causality Unit "Tuwaiq", "Haddaj" and "Sanad" supply and support vehicles in addition to the motorcycle ambulances" Al Suwaine added.
He also indicated that the visit covered the gathering points inside the Holy Grand Mosque for SRCA staff and volunteers to serve the visitors of the mosque where Dr. Al Owaisi expressed his deep gratitude to them for the great services they provide to the Guests of Allah. His excellency also attended the handover of new location closed to "Mukabariyah" area which is considered the closest to Tawaf area.
His excellency concluded his inspection visit with inauguration of new buildings for Al Adel ambulance center and Al Hamra'a ambulance center and checking the work process in those centers.
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