More than 374 health practitioners prepared to receive pilgrims in Mina sacred area on the eighth day of Hajj season 1443 H, distributed to 37 ambulance centers in Mina, and areas where pilgrims were at and on the move during the performance of their rituals.
The Authority has allocated more than 87 vehicles to serve in this Hajj season, in addition to 6 golf carts, which will also be distributed at train stations, Jamrat area and Mina valley area. SRCA volunteering teams work as supporters of SRCA ambulatory teams to respond to emergency cases and injuries, supported by medical control units deployed to provide medical consultations and support in cases that demand the presence of doctors.
Mina Team Commander, Abdullah bin Khalid al-Harbi, said that the Authority raised the state of alert and readiness for the ambulance teams starting on Thursday due arrival of pilgrims to Mina sacred area, and the presence was intensified in all sites where pilgrims will reside at by allocating ambulatory teams along with SRCA volunteering teams to provide the best ambulance services.
He also stated that the qualitative response unit has been deployed at Mina area: Mass Causality Unit "Tuwaiq" which will work from today until the end of Hajj season, and "Hadaj" vehicle which dedicated for advanced incidents and multiple injuries; in addition to Al Thuraya vehicle, which is a command and field control vehicle.
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