SRCA ambulatory teams responded to 397127 emergency cases with 256877 of them transferred to various hospitals in the Kingdom in the current half of the year 2022 compare to 522528 emergency cases received during the same period.
Abdulaziz Al Suwayni, SRCA spokesman, indicated that the number of cases for ordinary patients reached the total of 100216 cases. Then came the next car accidents with 58777 cases, loss of consciousness with 27203 cases, breathing problems with 14689 cases. Then comes cases of stomach problems with the total of only 1168 cases.
Al Suwayni also added that SRCA branches in the whole kingdom have succeeded during the first half of this year in conducting various volunteering activities where hundreds of thousands of people have benefited. As the total number of volunteering initiatives reached 3359 initiatives with 33855 male and female volunteers spending 454763 volunteering hours dedicated to 1025354 beneficiaries.
He continued stating that SRCA is keen on delivering courses and awareness lectures that cover many important issues related to the nature of work in the Authority. The total number of courses and lectures delivered reached 3431 courses for 272940 beneficiaries.
For the quality initiatives, Al Suwayni mentioned that the Authority have conducted a number of initiatives in cooperation with public and private sectors to provide training courses on first aid and safety and security to staff working in those sectors to raise the level of their awareness and their contribution in spreading the culture of ambulatory services. SRCA branches also succeeded in organizing 1740 quality initiatives, which were 1505 for the public sector and 235 initiatives for the private sector.
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