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Within efforts of spreading awareness of the importance of first aid and its necessity to learn them by individuals of the community, the Authority launched an initiative with a title "Safe Schools" to provide training courses to teachers and administrative staff of educational institutes in addition to students to learn on how to deal with emergency cases that demand a sudden arrival of ambulatory teams.
The Spokesman of SRCA, Abdulaziz Al Suwayni stated that this initiative would include a set of various training courses such as first aid, basic life support, pre-hospital emergency care dedicated to every age ranges at school; and those schools completing the courses will have a sign indicates a "Safe school" to assure that everyone inside are able to perform required first aid.
This initiative corresponds an incident of saving a life of a student at intermediate school in Riyadh suffered a choking with a plastic piece. Teacher Issa Namazi quick response with "Heimlich maneuver" made it to let the student push the plastic piece out at the right time.
Al Suwayni stressed that such an incident proves the importance of learning first aid especially in schools which can be a reason for saving a life, asking every teacher to follow the steps of teacher Namazi and learn first aid thorough SRCA initiative.
SRCA released a statistic in 2021 annual report that a large number of awareness training course delivered to the community in all over the Kingdom where more than 1.58 million beneficiaries including more than 57 thousand student, teachers and administrative cadre at 334 schools received first aid training courses.
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